Application information

We’re currently accepting applications for our financial hardship grants.

APRON Inc. urges you to submit your application online or by mail, but if you must deliver by hand, the UPS Store in the Kroger Shopping Center on Hubbards Lane will deliver it to us.

The application should be completed in its entirety to ensure prompt and effective consideration. Additional documentation may be requested. An incomplete application will delay processing and may be returned for completion.

What is APRON Inc.?

APRON, Inc. is a charitable organization for professional food service workers who have been directly impacted by a severe hardship, crisis or a catastrophic incident that was beyond their control. Since funding for APRON, Inc. comes from the public and businesses in the food service industry, care is taken to make sure that the grants are given only for unavoidable hardships. Grants must also follow guidelines provided by the IRS.

What types of help can APRON Inc. provide?

Financial Hardship Assistance

*Triggered by a specific unusual event (such as illness, death, accident, crime or other personal event)

*Financial need and lack of other resources must be substantiated

*Expenses must be proven

*Hardship must be beyond employee’s control

Eligible Financial Hardships Include:

*Residential fire or flooding

*Acts of nature that result in major property damage to primary residence or automobile

*Death of an employee or an immediate family member resulting in a financial hardship

*Other person financial hardships

*Living assistance for housing, food and other essential household expenses

*Theft/loss of essential property

Financial Hardships that Cannot Be Granted under APRON, Inc. Guidelines Include:

*Lost wages due to missed time from work

*Items covered by insurance or governmental assistance

*Elective, routine or ongoing medical expenses

*Bad debt/overdue bills from ongoing financial problems

*Legal fees and expenses associated with divorce or child custody issues

*Personal bankruptcy

*Illegal behavior or situations that occur while you are under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances

*Circumstances within the applicant’s control (such as normal maternity expenses, traffic violations, etc.)

Who can apply?

All currently employed persons (at least 6 months) who work in locally owned independent food service businesses provided that they or someone in their immediate family completes the attached application demonstrating how they have been impacted by a qualifying event, substantiating their expenses and providing their lack of financial resources. An application must be made not later than six months following the hardship to be considered by the APRON, Inc. Board of Directors. Only one application may be submitted for a qualifying event.